Sign up

If you wish to be a member of Ase you just have to fill out the form below. Then we will call you within two business days and ask for the remaining information that we need in order to complete your enrollment.

Which information should I prepare?

When Ase calls to complete your enrollment, you should be able to provide following information:

  • Information for payment
  • Social security number (CPR number)
  • From which date you would like to be enrolled
  • If you are changing your unemployment insurance fund we need to know where you are currently signed up

If you are self-employed you also have to inform us about

  • Name of your company, CVR-number and other relevant information

Who can be a member of Ase?

To be member of Ase unemployment insurance fund (a-kasse) you have to:

  • Work as employee minimum 25 hours a week
  • Work as self-employed minimum 30 hours a week

If you are unemployed you can always transfer to Ase unemployment insurance fund in case you would like to change.

To be a member of our union Ase Lønmodtager we recommend you to:

  • Be member of Ase unemployment insurance fund (a-kasse)

To be a member of our union Ase Selvstændig you have to:

  • Be self-employed on full-time basis or part time self-employed

How do I transfer from my current unemployment insurance fund?

If you are already member of an unemployment insurance fund, Ase will handle the transfer. We will contact your current unemployment insurance fund and transfer your status. If you did pay your former unemployment insurance fund in advance you will get a refund.

How does payment work?

When you receive your call from Ase you will get the opportunity to pay your first month’s a-kasse membership fee by online payment link. Afterwards your payments will be charged quarterly, 1st of January, 1st of April, 1st of July and 1st of October. If you also sign up for union membership, this is charged separately.

Direct Debit - payment service
We do not like to send out reminders and you probably do not like to receive them. Therefore we strongly recommend that you sign up for automatic quarterly payment through Direct Debit (Betalingsservice).